Pacha Ibiza

This website has HTML 5, has JavaScript, WordPress plugin and JQuery.  This website is the official website of Pacha Ibiza. Pacha is a disco club that is situated in the island of Ibiza in Spain. This is one of the best disco clubs in the world, and the most popular in Spain. In the website there are a lot of pictures and videos of the parties of this club, and also we can find the next parties and buy tickets. The first purpose of this website is for buy the tickets for events, and also you can buy clothes or products from the brand Pacha. The visual design of the website I like for the pictures that appear, the most important elements in this website are the pictures from the events.

2 thoughts on “Pacha Ibiza”

  1. Adrian,
    Cool website! I like that you picked a website based out of the country you are from. This seems like a really cool thing to do when in Spain!

  2. Adrian,
    I thought your website was really cool but I also thought it was really confusing probably because I have never heard of it before. But great job! I’m not a shark!!!

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